Mold And Algae On Your Aerogarden Sponges & Other Growing Substrates
Jun 02, 2022
Ew, I Found Mold On My Seeds And Aerogarden Sponges! What Does This Mean? We...
How To Prevent Pests & Disease in Your Vegetable Garden and How to Protect Herbs from Pests
Aug 17, 2021
Nobody likes dealing with indoor herb garden bugs or diseases​, especially when it comes to...
Allotment Tips and Ideas: Take Part in a Community Garden
Aug 05, 2021
An allotment (British term), or in North America, a community garden, is a plot of...
Best Herbs To Grow Indoors This Winter
Aug 05, 2021
Winter can be tough, and not just because of the weather. Depending on where you...
Seed Sprouting Tips: Germination Tips & Tricks
Jul 19, 2021
In nature, a plant will scatter hundreds of seeds in hopes that just one or...
How To Keep Herbs Alive Forever (Regrow Them!)
Jul 19, 2021
Keeping herbs alive can be a tricky business, especially with more fragile herbs like coriander...