What’s Everyone Reading?

How to Seed, Prune, and Harvest Basil in Pots or the Garden
Our Favorite Summer Herb with the summer season officially upon us, you might be wondering which herbs can be planted now and still beat the heat.

How to Care for a Mixed Herb Planter
Caring for Multiple Herbs in One Pot now that you've decided to grow a mixed herb container, you're probably read for the next step...learning ow to care for it!

🌿 The 5 BEST Tricks For Growing Cilantro and Delaying Bolting
We get it; your homemade salsa will never be the same without cilantro! So, is there anything you can do to boost your harvest?
Still Curious? What Do You Want To Learn?
Whether you’re not sure where to begin, are a fellow plant-enthusiast interested in learning more, or just curious Take a stroll through our learning hub. We’ve made it convenient and easy for you.