It's All About Positioning - The Best Places to Put Indoor Plants

It's All About Positioning - The Best Places to Put Indoor Plants

Sep 21, 2021Danah Fabian
There’s no doubt that plants are the perfect solution to spruce up a dull space. But aside from beautifying your room, plants can also purify your air, and if you’re growing edible plants like we are, they can provide you with a scrumptious snack, too (oregano cheese muffins, anyone?). However, maintaining a thriving garden inside the four corners of your house is not always an easy feat. So before you get into it, we want to tell you the first and most important thing you need to know about growing indoor plants, and that’s where to put them. We present to you some tips on properly positioning your plants indoors to keep them healthy and growing.

Understand the Lighting

We all know that plants need light to stay alive, and the best source for that is natural light. So ideally, the best spot to put your indoor plants would be beside a window. Most plants would need bright but indirect light, but edible plants love full sunlight! So, the most ideal place to position them would be right up against the glass of southern windows.

Of course, not all plants require the same amount of light, and some would prefer shadier areas, or some would prefer direct sun. Getting the lighting right can be super tricky if you’re a beginner plant parent. Fortunately for you, we created a guide for a light map tailored explicitly for indoor gardeners. And if that doesn’t quite work out for you, don’t give up just yet; let’s not forget that grow lights exist! You can read more about setting up grow lights for your indoor plants here.

Consider Temperature and Humidity

Look, as much as we would love to position our plants in a way that fits perfectly with our décor, a lot of the time, it’s just not possible. Unless you like dead, dried-up flowers as an aesthetic, you need to think about putting your plant in the best environment possible. And a few more things to consider in addition to lighting are the temperature and humidity of your space. Don’t place your plants in areas where the temperature will swing throughout the day. Most plants like a constant temperature of about 60-75 F and a reasonably humid environment.
When the colder months begin, the windowsill may no longer be the best place for your indoor plants as these areas tend to get drafty. A solution would be to move them a couple of inches away from the window and use a grow light instead during these cooler months. You can move them closer to your kitchen for easier access when cooking some yummy dishes if you have an herb garden! Additionally, if your home has central heating, the environment could be too dry for your plants during the fall and winter seasons. However, using a humidifier or misting your indoor plants should do the trick to keep them thriving.

Where to Put Your Indoor Plants

Okay, so now let’s get into the actual bit where we suggest the best places to put your plants. First, however, please remember this is just a mere guide and that your plant positioning should still largely depend on the two factors we discussed above.


Placing plants around the corners of your home can make your space look bigger. Put them on shelves, window sills, the side of your door, or any corner, and your room is guaranteed to look more spacious and vibrant. Tomatoes do well with plenty of sunlight, so these are perfect beside your windows or a large screen door.

Hanging Planters

Indoor Hanging Planters

If you are tight on space, consider purchasing a hanging planter and hang your plants from the ceiling or walls. Just make sure not to hang the plant somewhere where people might constantly bump their heads on it. Also, keep in mind that you need to water these plants, so consider the drainage system before hanging them in a specific spot. Dill, parsley, thyme, mint, oregano, and many other herbs can thrive well in hanging baskets so maybe consider a hanging herb garden at home.

Get Creative

Make use of your space by getting creative. For example, if you have an old ladder lying around, you can set your plants on its rungs. If you’ve got empty spaces above your cupboards, put a plant there too. Just remember that heat rises, so if your plants are positioned in high spots, they may require more water.

Another cool idea would be to put your plants on a bar cart. The great thing about having a mobile plant station is that you can easily move it anywhere whenever your plants’ lighting and temperature needs change. Plus, using a bar cart to display your plants is stylish and can make for a great conversation piece when guests come to visit.

Once you find the perfect spot for your indoor plants, don’t forget to give it the TLC it deserves. Water your plants accordingly, drain them properly, feed them some plant food, and protect them from pests. If you’re a newbie gardener and want something easy to grow in your house or apartment, you might want to try our Bottle Garden Kits or Garden Trio Kits. These come with a Green Thumb Guarantee, meaning if you don’t get these to grow - we’ll replace it with a new set for absolutely zero charges or give you your money back. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get growing!

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