Microgreens - A Fun and Flavorful Buying Guide to help you find the Best Microgreens Growing Kit

Microgreens - A Fun and Flavorful Buying Guide to help you find the Best Microgreens Growing Kit

May 30, 2023Nate Littlewood

Craving some green goodness in your life but low on space and time? Growing microgreens might just be your new favorite hobby! Packed with nutrients and easy to cultivate, these little leafy wonders are a great way to add a dash of green into your urban dwelling. 

All you need is a microgreens growing kit that matches your lifestyle and home aesthetic.

But with so many choices out there, how do you pick the best sprout growing kit? Fret not, urban plant parent! We've compiled a list of our top picks to help you grow microgreens at home without breaking a sweat (or a leaf!).

By the end of this post, you'll be sprouting microgreens like a pro. 

Pick Your Perfect Microgreens Kit

Microgreens are the speedy Gonzales of the plant world. They're quick to grow from seed to harvest, making them perfect for the impatient and the time-crunched among us. Here's what you'd typically find in a microgreens growing kit:

  1. A cozy container for the microgreen roots to stretch out and soak up water.
  2. A way to keep the sprouting seeds moist and happy.
  3. Some kits come with a cover or humidity dome to speed up seed germination.


The Urban Leaf Microgreens Growing Kit: Perfect for Windowsill Warriors

The superhero of small spaces, the all-inclusive Urban Leaf Microgreens Growing Kit equips you with everything you need to grow multiple crops of microgreens. Tailored for tiny households (1-2 people), this kit employs a clever hydroponic system that combines wicking and passive hydroponics. All you need for each grow is a biodegradable jute mat – it's like a spa retreat for your seeds!

Reap a fresh harvest in a week!

Our nifty square Grow Trays fit most windowsills like a glove. No windowsill space? Our custom-fit clear window shelf secures to your window glass (no damage, we promise!), ensuring your microgreens get their dose of natural light.

The MicroPod: A Classy Addition for the Dining Room Table Gardener

Made for small households (1-2 people), the MicroPod from Mother is a stylish piece of home décor that also happens to grow delicious greens. It's the perfect kitchen or dining room table center piece for the style-conscious. It has an elegant circular shape that won't cramp your space or style!

Just follow these easy-peasy steps:

  1. Fill it up with water.
  2. Sprinkle in your microgreen seeds.
  3. Harvest in about a week.
  4. Repeat for more fresh greens!

No growing media or mats needed! Plus, the container is BPA free, dishwasher safe, and vegan friendly. Remember to place it near a window or use a grow light for some photosynthesis magic!

The Hamama Microgreens Growing Kit: For the Shelf, Balcony, or Fire Escape Farmer

Got more mouths to feed or a serious smoothie obsession? The Hamama Microgreens Kit is the roomier option we offer. If you have some extra shelf, kitchen counter space, or a balcony or fire escape that could house a larger tray, this kit will help you grow bigger harvests of superfood greens in no time.

The ingarden Microgreens Kit with Grow Light: For the Growing in the Dark Gardener

Wish you could grow greens anywhere, anytime? The ingarden Microgreens Kit with Grow Light is your all-in-one solution! Complete with an LED lamp and chic ceramic container, this kit is perfect if your space lacks natural light or windows. It's like having a mini greenhouse right in your living room!

Looking to learn more?

Looking to learn more about microgreens? Check out our Microgreens Masterclass covering how to choose, grow and consume microgreens at home. 

Ready to start your microgreens adventure? Pick the best sprout growing kit for you and let's get growing! Remember, the only thing better than the smell of fresh greens is the taste of them, so happy sprouting and bon appétit!

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